Friday, June 1, 2007



The basic humanity in me cannot be fulfilled, and the primordial ends of justice cannot be served, without giving out this piece of the mind on the conduct of the last May 14 electoral exercise. Election has been beautifully defined and interpreted as “the process by which qualified voters exercise their sovereign authority through the ballot by means of which they choose their officials for definite and fixed periods to whom they entrust for the time being as their representatives the exercise of powers of government”.
What took place last May 14 was never an election at all! A supposed election that never was! It was a deceptive façade of what really was the mandate of the ruling elite. The power brokers in government simply ordered the sovereign electorate to entrust to them the authority to exercise the powers of government. An unwaveringly principled friend, a stand-alone, said it more bluntly: “Through that May 14 electoral battle, I see no sovereign people, no nation, no democracy, no government. I see only the forces of evil with whom the people happily dance.”
It is scandalously of public knowledge, but which Comelec and other law-enforcement agencies pretend not to know, that the last “election” turned out to be the holiday of criminals, particularly election offenders, beyond the reach of the law. Manipulations in the choice of candidates and political parties. Virtual “theft” in the procurements of Certificate of Nomination and Acceptance (CONA). Perjury in the filing of Certificates of Candidacy. Fielding of nuisance candidates, especially those with names similar to the credible ones. Treachery among supposed partymates on financial considerations.
Worse was the rampant and pervasive vote-buying and vote-selling practically admitted by all sectors especially by the media, in violation of Section 261, paragraph (a) of the Omnibus Election Code. More brazen than in the previous elections, this violation involved thousands of pesos per voter. The Criminals among the candidates and the “hungry” among the electorate, blatantly shelved aside the law and disregarded prescriptions from the Church authorities. They played with fire and felt proud and happy doing it!
Commission of election offenses became the ”order of the day”, from the choice of candidates up to the voting and counting of votes. Yet, a great majority of the electorate found it “normal”, something that is generally accepted and no case for complaint.
It was no election at all! What transpired was but an exercise wherein the ruling syndicate – The Regime—with the willing cooperation by its lapdogs in the local government units, selected persons from among their ranks who would hold the reins of a supposed government. Sulkingly, the exploited people willingly acceded to that illegal and immoral exercise. Helplessness has reared its ugly head.
The painful lesson: people’s true sovereignty, authentic democracy, genuine national development, public welfare, justice and peace may no longer be attained through the ballot.
Ultimate reflection: Where are we going, and what can we do? Is there still hope for deliverance within the ambit of law?
God save us!

Bobby Cericos
Tagbilaran City, 17 May 2007

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